Of Crops and Artists

March 23, 2006

Today is my Official Clean Out the Old Junk in My Hard Drive Day.

Be afraid, be very afraid. Here’s a little something about Vincent. From August, 2002.

Van Gogh wheatfield and crows

I wonder what Vincent saw, when he framed this gold field under this flaming cobalt sky, black crooked slashes of crows punctuating the border between sky and field.

Did he make the road so twisted with pain to match his tortured life, about to end as abruptly as that truncated way in the midst of the restless gold expanse? Two smudges of white hover over the field, perhaps clouds tossed by whatever wind so scores the blue ridges into the sky. The road and the field seem to heave and twist in sensual curves, humping imaginary backs against the cramps and spasms of life in extremis.

Would a countryman passing by the same field have felt some vague apprehension of the agony working itself out in the painter’s head? Or simply felt a mild pleasure at the original gold and azure composition by a more indifferent, though omnipotent, artist?

River Walk Geese

June 11, 2005

I have been spending some time exploring the recently completed walk at the River Park. I like it ah-lot. Took some pictures with my old and limited digital camera of flora and fauna. I paused at one point to let a pair of Canada geese and their fledglings cross the path. Took a picture, below:
